Administrative stuff
Getting a book written and into the hands of readers entails a lot of things besides writing. Here is info on some of them.
Buying The Potbelly Syndrome
You can find The Potbelly Syndrome in many libraries and bookstores. You can buy it from You can also buy it from the publisher (address below).
Contacting us
My email address is: I look forward to hearing from you, and I will be happy to forward email to Dr. Mårin.
Just about everything on this website is copyrighted by Russell Farris, Dr. Per Mårin, Basic Health Publications, or someone. The "fair use" provisions of the copyright laws allow some material to be used freely by reviewers and critics.
Disclaimer is owned and maintained by Russell Farris, and the information contained here is based upon the research and personal and professional experiences of Russell Farris. It is not intended as a substitute for consulting with your physician or other health care provider. Any attempt to diagnose and treat an illness should be done under the direction of a health care professional.
Russell Farris does not advocate the use of any particular health care protocol but believes the information in this website should be available to the public. Russell Farris is not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of the suggestions, preparations, or procedures discussed in this website. Should the reader have any questions concerning the appropriateness of any procedures or preparation mentioned, the website owner strongly suggests consulting a professional health care advisor.
Here are the errors we have found in The Potbelly Syndrome so far:
Press release
To see a press release and publishing information, click on the "+" next to Admin on the left, then click on "Press Release."
The Potbelly Syndrome is published by:
Basic Health Publications, Inc.
28812 Top of the World Drive
Laguna Beach, CA 92651
Talks on infections and cortisol
I occasionally give talks about the ideas presented in The Potbelly Syndrome. You can read or print a copy of the handout I use by clicking Summary.
I update this website on an irregular schedule, the last time being November of 2008. The site was built with TreePad Business Edition. TreePad is a hierarchical data organizer that I've used for years, and it is also an excellent program for creating simple, solid websites.
Since TreePad's main function is as an organizer, the documentation for making websites is pretty thin. I contacted Bill Hudgins, who has an excellent TreePad-built site. With a little help from Bill I was able to convert my old site to a TreePad site in a few days.
The illustrations were drawn with Visio 2002, saved as .gif files, and imported into TreePad. The finished website was uploaded to EPhost with CuteFTP Home 8.
Yahoo discussion group