Retraining vs. finding doctors
If you compare disease models and decide that you want to have your treatments based on the infection-cortisol model, you will need to have at least one doctor who has lost faith in the lifetyle model.
Since most doctors still adhere to the lifestyle model, there is a high probability that you will have to either retrain the doctors you have, or find new ones.
Retraining your old doctors
Doctors are like everyone else; they resist learning things that threaten their worldview. You may find it difficult to get your doctor to even consider that the lifestyle model is wrong.
Start out slow. Give your doctor a copy of the page on disease models (see menu at left). When your doctor is through mumbling and snorting, try to get him or her visit this website:
Give your doctor a copy of The Potbelly Syndrome? When I first started working on The Potbelly Syndrome, I was writing it for doctors. I mentioned this to a retired professor of medicine, and he told me not to waste my time. He said that most doctors won't read books unless you hold guns to their heads. I took this doctor's advice and wrote most of The Potbelly Syndrome for patients, not doctors (Dr. Mårin's Chapter 16, Diagnosing Chronic Subtle Hypercortisolism, is written for doctors).
When I submitted the book proposal to the publisher, I suggested that he should authorize readers to copy chapters and give the copied chapters to their doctors–-I figured that doctors who wouldn't read a book might at least read a chapter. Just before the book was printed, the publisher got cold feet and refused to authorize readers to copy chapters.
As a compromise measure, I attached a four-page Summary of The Potbelly Syndrome to this website. Give your doctor a copy of the summary and let him mull it over for a while. If, when you see him again, he orders tests for CPN, CMV, CRP, ALT, and AST, or if he tells you he is reading The Potbelly Syndrome, then you may have already found one of your doctors.
No matter what you do, it may take years to convince your doctor that Chlamydophila pneumoniae is causing your high blood pressure. If you don't feel like you can wait years, then you may want to look for a new doctor.
Finding a new doctor
If you need to find a new doctor, here are some of the things to look for:
- Look for a doctor who routinely treats chronic infections. Doctors who treat Lyme Disease or AIDS patients are likely to be sympathetic to patients with other chronic infections.
- Try to find a doctor who understands subtle hypercortisolism. Most doctors are familiar with Cushing's syndrome, but few of them are familiar with subclinical Cushing's syndrome.
- Your doctors should be affordable. Some of the tests and treatments you will need may not be covered by insurance yet.
If you think you may be infected with Chlamydophila pneumoniae, look for a doctor who is familiar with anti-Chlamydial treatments such as the Vanderbilt and Wheldon protocols described at
If you can't find a doctor who is familiar with the Vanderbilt and Wheldon protocols, at least try to find one who knows the difference between Chlamydophila pneumoniae (CPN) and Chlamydia trachomatis (CTR). If you can't find a doctor who knows the difference between CPN and CTR, then try to find one with an open mind who is willing to learn. Good luck
Where to look
Here are some organizations that may help you find good doctors. If you have any suggestions for expanding this section, please send them to me at
AHF. American Herpes Foundation (AHF). Your infectious burden is almost certain to include some herpes viruses, and you may be able to find a physician familiar with them at:⁄
AMA. The American Medical Association (AMA) lists most of the physicians in the United States. You can search for them by specialty on the AMA's website:⁄aps⁄amahg.htm
ACAM. The American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM) represents 1,000 physicians in 30 countries. Its goals are to improve complementary and alternative medicine. The ACAM website lists member physicians.
ARF. Just as the Vanderbilt and Wheldon protocols were developed to kill Chlamydophila pneumoniae, the Marshall protocol was developed to kill Mycoplasma and other cell-wall deficient (CWD) bacteria. The Autoimmunity Research Foundation (ARF) is a group of Marshall Protocol supporters. I would guess that Mycoplasma-literate doctors would be good candidates to become CPN literate. The ARF website is at:⁄. The Arthritis Center of Riverside, directed by Dr. A. Robert Franco, was recommended to me by a former patient. The Center focuses on arthritis, but it has the facilities and skills needed to implement anti-Chlamydial protocols if it chooses to do so. The California Health & Longevity Institute (CHLI), in Westlake Village, CA, was the subject of a glowing report in the San Diego paper. The Institute has the skills and facilities required to implement the Vanderbilt and Wheldon protocols if it chooses to do so. Cpnhelp is a self-help organization for people struggling with Chlamydophila pneumoniae infections. It was started by people with multiple sclerosis, but its membership now includes people with many kinds of CPN-related problems. There are lots of cpnhelp members who are being treated with the Vanderbilt and Wheldon protocols. They may be willing to tell you who their doctors are.
Helicobacter Foundation. Helicobacter pylori (Hp) causes life-long infections, and the Helicobacter Foundation would probably be a good place to find a doctor who understands chronic infections. It can be reached at:⁄
Hepatitis Foundation International (HFI). HFI provides information about the various hepatitis viruses. It might be a good place to look for doctors who understand chronic infections. It can be reached at:⁄ The Lyme Disease Association (LDA) is dedicated to Lyme disease education and prevention. Lyme-literate doctors are good candidates to become CPN-literate doctors.⁄expertise. The Scripps Institute in San Diego is one of hundreds of giant medical complexes scattered around the world. These institutions have the facilities and skills available to do anything. The challenge for you is to talk them into using those facilities and skills on your behalf. The Whitaker Wellness Institute, in Newport Beach, California, was recommended to me by one of its patients. The Institute has the facilities and skills to implement the Vanderbilt and Wheldon protocols if it can be persuaded to do so.
It will be difficult, but I don't think it will be impossible, to find doctors who have shaken off the Medieval, moralistic view of medicine embodied in the lifestyle model. Good luck.
Disclaimer is owned and maintained by Russell Farris, and the information contained here is based upon the research and personal and professional experiences of Russell Farris. It is not intended as a substitute for consulting with your physician or other healthcare provider. Any attempt to diagnose and treat an illness should be done under the direction of a healthcare professional.
Russell Farris does not advocate the use of any particular healthcare protocol but believes the information in this website should be available to the public. Russell Farris is not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of the suggestions, preparations, or procedures discussed in this website. Should the reader have any questions concerning the appropriateness of any procedures or preparation mentioned, the web owner strongly suggests consulting a professional healthcare advisor.